1- NEW DOTERRA oils- to support our Natural Epsom Salt

Natural Epsom Salt



DOTERRA OILS  to support our Epsom Salt range
'Have a bath and foot soak without the floaty bits!"

Although most of our customers LOVE our herbal range, some ask about an alternative and would like to add in an oil instead.
Just check out my Doterra Advocate website https://beta-doterra.myvoffice.com/piphense to choose your oil to suit your needs, safe direction and recommendation as per manufacturer and prices vary as per selection^

Enjoy and feel extra great!

-add 1 to 3 drops to a bath* 

-add 1 drop to a foot bath^

Select your Doterra Oil of choice and just order from my website https://beta-doterra.myvoffice.com/piphense

or COME via www.ladyrainbowheart.co.nz

* Prices are individually priced as per Doterra Website, the $45 noted is just a fill price to make this page active. Always check the price of your choice, the suitability before purchase as per directions/ safe recommendation/need/age/sensitivity suitability- always ask if you have any queries

SKU: 10000

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