Thank you Mom and Dad

How did we arrive at our new logo?  With love and guidance from above.  My parents passed away a few years ago.  They both still have a very strong presence in my life.  We kept our quirky dragonfly and gave it a nudge and a wiggle.  The dragonfly came about from a trip to England to see my best friends and just seemed to land in my lap.  I loved my last logo.  It was a bit hard to give it up.  But thanks to the patience and talent of a family friend, we came up with the new logo.  Airforce blue to honour my Dad, my rock.  Jodhpur blue to honour my mother and her love of horses.  Gold is a new colour to me that arrived in my life 3 years ago when I made many changes to my life.  Hopefully it will bring a wee boost to this tiny business that I run from my phone in the evenings after I have finished my other job, looking after my children and animals.  Thank you for being on this journey and supporting me.


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